Got a good question from Johnnie, a 25 year old grappler with dreams of opening his own gym someday and being able to compete with the best in the world.
When it comes to goals and dreams it’s similar to some of the fundamentals a buddy taught me when we were doing some long range shooting years ago.
In this video I share an analogy based on some fundamentals a friend told me with some long range shooting. I’m not an expert just for the record.
You’ll need to be in a stable position.
You’ll need sight alignment in your scope.
Follow through on your trigger so don’t jerk the rifle off target.
And in my experience it’s similar to long term goals.
I remember taking the leap into the gym biz-nass stuff at the age of 25. I spent 2 years getting out of any debt to put myself in a more stable position to withstand the chaos of quitting my well paying job.
I knew exactly what I wanted and everyday kept my sights and daily actions aligned with my clear target. Finally I followed through by doing what I had to do everyday and didn’t allow myself to get pulled off the target of my goals. And this formula worked great for me in helping me blow way past what I thought was even possible. It’s not fast, but most things worth while usually aren’t.
So for you Johnnie, I’d say this. Get the better job to put yourself and family into a more staple position. It’s your duty as a husband and father and duty comes first. The world needs strong men for their families. Next, keep your sights and actions focused on your long term goal. This means keep training and improving while not getting sucked into the rat race of buying the most expensive car or house you can afford.
Define what YOU want, not what society wants you to do.
Finally have follow through. Working, fathering and training will be exhausting. But if you keep your goal clearly in your sights you’ll remember why you’re doing this stuff.
And for any of you with long term goals or dreams wanting to do something similar I’d encourage you to do the same.
Thanks for watching!
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