Yesterday I had the pleasure of promoting my good friend Adam to Black Belt in BJJ.
As a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu coach, I desperately hope I’m not only helping make my students better at BJJ. But I also hope that I’m making a positive impact on their life in some way outside of the gym.
Everyone has their mission and that’s mine.
When Adam gave his Black Belt speech about what it means to be a BJJ Black Belt at least to him, I was moved. Because of the way he felt for me and all of the other people on the team.
You’ll see it on my face, I became watery eyed.
For me, that lets me now I’m on the right track.
In regards to Adam himself. There is so much I could say about him.
In fact, it’s difficult to condense your feelings and memories down to a simple post.
So I won’t try today.
Instead, I’ll just say that I’m proud of Adam, and I am so very thankful that he found his way to our gym 9 years ago.
He’s been one of my best training partners, someone I look forward to seeing on a regular basis and we’ve had some fun times together.
Congratulations to Adam! I’m proud of him. As a coach, brother in arms and friend.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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