What do you think about this new way of promoting someone to the next belt? Seems a bit excessive
Belt ceremony??
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Dominic Gagnon…
Fuck. That.
Hard pass
What the fuck??
Fuckn stupid. I would tell them to jam the belt!
Robert Morales.. Gabriel L. Lopez really wants his purple belt…
Wanker!!! Fuckwits like this should be teaching testicular punching techniques!! Has no place anywhere!!!
I feel like a hand shake and a little cuddle would be better
Absolutely unnecessary???
I wonder what will happen if someone would throw this fat fuck in the same way
Congratulations on you’re promotion here’s an injury so you cant train for 2 weeks.
Cid Cid Fernando Ribeiro Borges ?????
? ich habe immernoch schmerzen vom gestern ??
Yeah, break his spine and give him a belt. Stupid
That was a piss poor break fall. Take that promotion away
Shehryar Qureshi Saqib Ali Jazzie Lone
Idiotic! Why would this be done to someone you have just given respect via promotion ..
I will stay at white belt
If that’s what you got to go through to get promoted, good chance your training with a pack of cunts and at the wrong gym. Fuck that shit ?
Train elsewhere…
That’s NOT BJJ. That’s SHIT.