Understanding bands and how they improve mobility
The use of bands to improve mobility has become more popular over the last few years. While they can be a useful tool they are often misused.
What is happening: using a band for mobility is essential a joint mobilization to temporarily improve aberrant joint mechanics. .
Mobility deficits are primarily due to:
1️⃣Tissue restrictions
2️⃣Neurological restrictions
3️⃣Insufficient neurological control
4️⃣Aberrant joint mechanics
When to use: If the primary reason for insufficient range or pain is due to joint hypomobility or aberrant joint mechanics then bands can be useful.
How to maximize: the band mobilization may allow TEMPORARY mobility improvements or decrease pain, however you need to train that new range for PERMANENT improvements. If you previously could not go into that range then your body will lack the control of that new range. Controlled articular rotations / passive range holds are excellent tools to improve active control of the new range.
❌Improper use of band mobility: improving overhead motion and immediately using it to load overhead motion. If you cannot control that new range then when you load it then you prime yourself for compensatory movement or injury. ✅Proper use: temporarily improving end-range joint mechanics so you can properly train your end-range. .
It is a problem if you are relying on bands to perform an exercise. See a healthcare professional to see if the joint is the primarily problem and how you can permanently improve it.