Recently I had a student who had his very 1st day of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. But this White Belt’s 1st class almost never happened.
I ended up catching him walking out of the gym doors about to head home. He had his BJJ gi on with his gym bag in hand.
I stopped him and told him to hell with fear, fuck fear.
He had his gi on, he has been wanting to start training and he knows me. So I said, let’s do it!
He came back in the gym and had his very 1st day of BJJ and it went great. And this new BJJ White Belt has trained several times since then. And I sincerely hope he continues to push through.
And I decided to share this story because I receive messages from many of you who are interested in training. But for 1 reason or another. You choose not to.
Many of the reasons you bring up are not legitimate reasons, but rather are reasons cooked up by irrational fears.
When I speak to someone who waited to start Brazilian Jiujitsu. Oftentimes the only regret they have is that they waited as long as they did. It was never regret out of starting.
So if you haven’t started yet but you want to, I hope you find this video useful.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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