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The @wa_cjtc Physical Abilities Test consists of a 300 run, pushups, sit-ups and

The @wa_cjtc Physical Abilities Test consists of a 300 run, pushups, sit-ups and a 1.5 miles run. One of our new recruits is preparing to pass the PAT next month and being a lateral hire from Oahu, I never had to complete the test here. If you were an interested potential applicant for our department I would’ve told you that the PAT is the easiest part of the hiring process because it is the only piece that you can prepare for in advanced. It would only be fair of me to back up that talk by completing the test. I do #kettlebell swings and #jiujitsu for cardio so I was interested to see how my body would feel during the run. The uniform adds about 20lbs / 9kg of weight and I could really feel it towards the end. The vest and belt make sit-ups a lot harder too. It wasn’t a record breaking performance, but I still passed. What is your preferred method of staying ready? #bellevue #police #fitness #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom

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