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The Toreando – America's Professor of Ground-Fighting Adds Dozens Of Laser-Accurate Passing Details

The Toreando - America's Professor of Ground-Fighting Adds Dozens Of Laser-Accurate Passing Details

No doubt about it, the torreando is one of the most effective passes in jiu jitsu.
But, if it’s soooo effective, why does it gas you out so much?
The truth is, more and more guard players are getting wise to shutting down the torreando, forcing you to work double-time to finish it…
… and it’s not like these defenses are any kind of secret. They’re basically natural reactions to your movements.
That’s right, the blue belt you easily crushed one day, can easily become the blue belt who frustrates you in front of the whole class the next.
But it’s ok, we’re here to tell you that you don’t have to apply more strength and power to finish the pass.
Click play on the video above, and learn why the torreando you’ve been shown in the past simply doesn’t work anymore and exactly what you need to do to fix it.
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