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The power of cross ashi- many people believe cross ashi and back stepping in gene…

The power of cross ashi- many people believe cross ashi and back stepping in general are only good for entering the legs. While true, back stepping does create real danger of various leg attacks, it also puts heavy positional pressure on your opponent through the threat of both a pass and a back take. Here, as yuri tries to come up i utilize a 2 on 1 back and arm to control his far wrist to prevent him from coming all the way up to his feet and returning his shoulder to the floor. Once that happens he cannot play an underhook game from half guard anymore as i pass because it creates triangle danger. As he no choice to accept the pass or turn into me to avoid the pass,he turned towards me, creating back exposer which i took advantage of here, getting the back and securing the finish with 18 seconds left. @ouchmedical @kimerakoffee @flograppling

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