The Power of a Notebook 📝
Coming up in Jiu-Jitsu, I never had a Black Belt instructor in my state that I could learn from on a regular basis. It was just my father & I on our own in Oklahoma City. We fully immersed ourselves into being the best students of Jiu-Jitsu as possible, because every single technique or opportunity to train with someone who had more experience than us, came with a big sacrifice.
As a hungry teenager climbing through the ranks, I always kept a notebook. I wrote down my goals, what to focus on in my training, all the techniques I learned, the techniques I taught, moves I saw in videos or tournaments, & all my questions to ask a Black Belt the next opportunity I had. Doing this helped me progress even faster than those who had Black Belt instructors on a daily basis. Every day of training had a purpose, I never let an opportunity slip to ask a question, & I could remember everything I learned because of all the mental reps I got by reading my notebooks.
All the systems I use today at the highest levels of competition & teach around the world were born inside my notebooks. I had dozens of Jiu-Jitsu notebooks. This one is from 2002-2003. You can see my focuses, technical notes, Judo notes, notes from a trip to Brazil, & even my father’s hand writing from a private lesson that we shared.
As a new week of training & working towards your goals begins tomorrow, I encourage you to write down what you plan to focus on everyday. GATHER as much data as you can, ORGANIZE your thoughts, & SEE yourself moving closer to your short term & long term goals. The only thing better than training, is TRAINING WITH A CLEAR PURPOSE. Let’s go!!! 💪🏼🥋🥇
PS – You can apply this on any pursuit 🔑
#WriteItDown #Notebook #Power #Focused #Organized #Visualize #Goals #Purpose