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I love BJJ training but my family hates it! What should I do?
This is the question I got from our friend Liz who is a White Belt in today’s Chewy Ramble.
I related to Liz because when I started Wrestling, BJJ and MMA. My mother was very much against the idea.
Now she was super supportive. She always had my back. But she didn’t like the idea of me fighting.
I don’t think she was against Brazilian Jiu-jitsu or MMA because she hated it, but because she was concerned for me.
I remember when I won my 1st MMA fight. I showed my mom and after seeing the fight. My mom hit me and called me mean!
And she would always ask me, “Why are you doing this?”
Now even though she didn’t like it, she respected it. And she respected it because of the hard work I put into it and the dedication she saw.
In the video I share how I believe Liz’s family will slowly begin to respect her decision to get into Brazilian Jiujitsu and grappling.
It happens overtime because they realize that it’s REAL, it’s not going away.
So Liz, I hope this video was helpful. And if you’re into BJJ and having a similar issue, I hope it’s helpful to you.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In this video Joe and I do a workout together and answer questions from Instagram.
We also tough on some ideas for weight training for BJJ during our own lifting.
You can check out Joe here:
Here are some of the questions from video:
Which is better for BJJ crosstraining? Yoga or weight training?
Best way to lose weight and gain muscle?
Does jiu-jitsu give you muscle?
Is a hot dog a sandwich?
Discipline or Motivation ?
How to cut weight and lose minimal amounts of muscle?
Should I keep more muscle or slim down?
What supplements I take?
My workout that day was pretty light. I kept to some bench press, pendlay rows and some auxiliary work and Joe is working on some olympic lifting.
I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you have any questions. Put them down below.
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This past weekend following the ADCC North American Trials I saw a comment on Instagram that went something to the effect of “he beat that bjj Youtuber” or something like that.
And I honestly understand completely.
In a world of social media, there’s so much BS. As I talk about in the video there are so many situations and it often causes us to be apprehensive of people because we don’t want to be tricked.
And one of the things that is nice about me continuing to compete in BJJ competitions is that I can show you that I’m walking my walk.
I do the things that I say.
I may not be the best at every facet of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. But I walk my talk. I proceed with 100% integrity.
And I will continue to do so.
I hope you enjoy the video.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Join me in Costa Rica!
In this video I sit down with my Brown Belt Justin to talk about out yearly Pura Vida BJ and Surfing retreat in Costa Rica. It’s an amazing BJJ and Surfing vacation.
This year it will be in Tamarindo. Which is a new location. We’re all looking forward to it.
Last year I had several people join us on the Costa Rica vacation and we had a blast. And so I wanted to open the invitation to you guys in case you were interested in joining us for a one of a kind Brazilian Jiujitsu vacation.
During the trip. We’ll do Brazilian Jiu-jitsu both gi and no gi. Surfing and adventure around the city together and have a good time.
If you have any questions. Check out the page:
And if for some reason it doesn’t answer all your questions. Send Justin an email.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Have your ever rolled with someone outside of a traditional Brazilian Jiu-jitsu background?
Maybe someone who has done MMA, Sambo, Wrestling, Judo, etc?
If so then you know that they grapple a little different
A different sort of cadence or style of rolling.
I found this out during my White-Purple Belt days where I began to be introduced to MMA training and would roll with people who only learned grappling through MMA.
In many cases I would get caught with submissions even through my knowledge of grappling and Brazilian Jiujitsu was superior.
Because their style and rhythm of grappling was different than mine, I had to adjust. Because where BJJ players typically fight more for position, they would just go crazy for submissions.
And I believe this is partly due to the fact that when you use grappling in and MMA situation. You have to have a sense of urgency with your techniques.
In today’s video I discuss this idea in response to our friends question who is struggling with a situation at an open mat where he feels a bit taken back by the people inside the gym.
If you’re ever grappling with someone outside of a traditional BJJ gym, then I hope this video is useful for you!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
This video is based off of one of my recent Instagram posts which was inspired by my experiences in my own life. Both on the mat and off the mat.
I can’t tell you how many times in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Wrestling or in other aspects of my life where this message rang true.
I believe this is the way it is for most of us. We’re our own biggest enemy.
There’s so much brilliance inside of us but we can only realize it when we get out of our own way and make it happen.
Here’s the original post:
There’s a special moment of relief at the end of a training session or competition.
As your coach gathers everyone together for one last huddle to finish class, or the ref raises the hand of the victor.
You realize. . . the struggle is over. You did what you set out to do and the white flag of your enemy has been raised.
But the enemy is not your opponent at the competition or your training partners. . . It’s yourself.
A battle had been waged and won that day, an internal siege had been lifted. As the army of your own anxiety, harsh judgments and laziness was beaten back.
Defeated were the thoughts of skipping training, sitting out another round or avoiding the upcoming competition because deep down you were afraid you’re not good enough.
Regardless of the outcome of that days training or competition. What matters is you conquered yourself.
And tomorrow the forces of your own shadow will reappear. As they do everyday. Ready for another battle and looking for a weakness in you.
But where there is a shadow there is a light.
And that light comes from the strength, intelligence and intensity inside you.
Embrace the suck, take joy in these daily battles, whether on or off the mat.
Because everyday you choose to follow your heart and take action is a day the enemy inside you becomes a little weaker, your light a little bigger. . . your shadow a little smaller.
I hope you guys enjoy the video!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Check out Bernardo Faria’s Battle Tested Half Guard –
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, there is typically a grip needed to finish a technique. Whether this is a Choke, Armlock or whatever.
Oftentimes I find that if I’m very focused on getting that finishing grip quickly, my success with the technique shoots up dramatically.
For instance if I’m doing a choke.
If I get what I call the “Kill grip” I’m usually able to finish the technique.
When I say “Kill Grip” I’m speaking about the the grip that’s essential to finishing the technique I’m looking for.
In this video I answer a question from Max who says he’s having people tuck their necks and defend his submission attempts with chokes during BJJ training.
So in this video I discuss the getting the best grip quickly for whatever technique you’re looking for during rolling or competitions.
The big focus with chokes is to get the deepest grips in the collar or around the neck possible. This way the person doesn’t have a chance to stop the submission.
I hope the video is helpful with your Brazilian Jiujitsu training or competitions.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In this video my buddy Joe and I got a lift in on a Monday morning.
Here’s Joe’s Youtube if you want to learn more:
Before the lift started I threw up a story on Instagram and asked for questions regarding weight training for BJJ.
If you have no muscle, is it better to do low reps high weight or high weight low reps in the beginning?
Do you do any grip strength training for no gi?
How should you split of weight training , BJJ and possibly muay thai training?
You’ll also notice that I am not going incredibly heavy. And honestly this is mostly the case with my lifting. I rarely go SUPER heavy in the gym.
As I’ve figured out over the years. Only so much of that is going to find it’s way to the way to the mats when I’m doing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
Along with all of this you’ll hear us talk about whatever we are planning to talk about. As well as a few nuggets of information about strength training in relation to BJJ.
Talk to you guys next time!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In 2007 I came to Derby City MMA. I left my previous BJJ gym and began training here.
When I started training here I met this young kid named Chad. I didn’t know it at the time but he would radically change my life.
Initially he was a young kid growing up in a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gym. Training and competing constantly.
But he quickly grew into a young man that was possessed with gifts that many of us wish we had. Both as a competitor and practitioner and as a teacher.
During our time training together we sharpened each other’s abilities. And on top of that. I learned a lot about myself.
While doing my best to try and help Chad along his own path I learned so much about myself.
This isn’t goodbye as we will see him often enough. But it is definitely a new period. For myself as a coach and for Chad as a man carving his own path in the world.
I love my “little brother” that I promoted 2 years ago. But I’m happy he’s growing. On and off the mats.
He’s taking his own call to adventure. Finding his own path in his life.
You can follow Chad at:
You can watch this podcast to see why Chad is leaving:
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
One of my favorite positions in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is X Guard and Single X Guard.
It ties right along with my Half Guard too which I consider my best position.
In this video I answer a question from out friend who is wanting to look at some entries into X Guard.
And before I get into the X Guard position itself. I want to stress the importance of Entries for our BJJ games.
Oftentimes people look for the cool sweeps, guard passes, submissions, etc but then they forget about the entries to get there.
Consider entries the starting point for any position or set of techniques in Brazilian Jiujitsu.
Now in this video I show a simple way to get to X Guard from a Half Butterfly Guard.
I use this a lot if I’m struggling to get the Half Guard working for me on bottom.
Give the entry a try and see how it works for you!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.