In today’s video I got a question from our friend who is a thin guy and is wanting to become a bigger stronger person for grappling.
Currently he’s lifting and doing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and he’s curious if I have any tips on getting bigger and stronger.
In this video I share some really simple tips to get bigger and stronger from my experience.
The first idea I share is about adopting the eating habits of a bigger person. This may sound simple or maybe unimportant.
But in most cases I see that smaller people have trouble gaining weight in large part because they aren’t eating very much. So the 1st thing is to add more good food to the mix.
The second tip I share is to adopt the mindset of a bigger guy who lifts. In the video I share a story about one of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu students who came in in the 130s and is now around 160s.
And he adopted the mindset of a meathead after becoming friends with one of the Brown Belts in the gym.
Finally he was curious if Brazilian Jiujitsu would hurt his weight training and weight gain. And I end the video with sharing tips on how to avoid a situation where BJJ negatively affects your weight training.
If you’re in a similar situation then I hope this video is helpful!
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