Kieran Kichuk was on fire the entire 2022 Pan NoGi tournament, getting all submissions leading up to the finals.
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Kieran Kichuk was on fire the entire 2022 Pan NoGi tournament, getting all submissions leading up to the finals.
Davi Carbral winning the 2022 Ultra-Heavyweight Pan NoGi title!
Ladies and gentlemen, Francisco Lo has arrived in the states! Watch all matches live on @flograppling.
Henrique Ceconi has been insane in the open class today. Watch him in the final tomorrow.
Henrique Ceconi gets the heel hook win over Elder Cruz in the black belt open-class of the 2022 Pan No-Gi
Helton Junior had a very strong performance in the open class and he advances to the final tomorrow where he will face Henrique Ceconi.
Gianni Grippo puts on the pressure, gets the choke and advances to tomorrow’s quarterfinals. Watch all matches live on @flograppling.
Kieran Kichuk slaps on a tight foot-lock to advance to tomorrow’s quarterfinals.
Marcus “Scooby” Ribeiro looked on fire at the Curitiba Spring Open over the weekend. Check out this finish.
Emilio Hernandez hunting for the footlock, at the Charlotte Open, and gets the finish after some adjustments.
TLI’s own Angelo Claiborne winning gold in the open class division of the Charlotte Open 2022.
Manuel Ribamar is going to bring the heat to the Medium-heavy GP! Watch it live on, October 28th.