Having stiffness in the back can impact many activities and the ability to move freely and with a greater range of motion is very important not just in BJJ, but for general health.
In this sequence, I go through 5 different variations of trunk rotation exercises. These are useful as a warm-up or cool-down, and great for general back health.
1. Lower Trunk rotations 5 x 3-5 sec
2. Open Book Stretch 5 x 3-5 sec
3. Seated Leg Crossed Rotation 5 x 10 sec
4. Threading The Needle 5 x 3-5 sec
5. Prone Scorpion 5 x 3-5 sec
If you’re interested in working with me for a movement assessment and a unique joint mobility training program that has been integral in improving the joint health, strength, and mobility of my clients and myself, reach out at jiujitsutherapist@gmail.com to set up a free call.
***Check out my hip course and warm-up series available now at https://www.grapplingrx.com/
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