Do you ever get sore neck muscles after BJJ training? Then try using this $5 (or less) little too like I show in the video.
Recently I was doing a little No Gi training with a good Black Belt friend of mine. During our roll he was going after his Guillotine choke, which he has a good one.
I was able to defend the chokes but my neck took a beating.
Later on that night after the rolling session. I was sitting with my girlfriend for dinner and realized my neck was incredibly sore. And I realized it was from out session.
Anytime I run into sore neck or upper back muscles after Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. Using a lacrosse ball or this lacrosse ball peanut is my goto for recovery and to relieve sore neck muscles. It really digs deep into the muscles and gives me a ton of relief.
On the day of filming this video I was doing a bit of lifting. And before I could do front squats effectively. I had to loosen up my neck.
Hopefully if you’re experiencing some sore neck muscles after Brazilian Jiujitsu training this little tool will be helpful for you and your recovery after training!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.