There’s a story behind this red square of mats in my BJJ training area. Most people see this and think I ran out of money or didn’t order enough mats. But that’s not it.
You see, I grappled and rolled on those red mats for over 10 years. Much of who I am today was forged through the difficulties of BJJ and MMA training on those red mats.
And I keep that little piece of red mat to remind me everything from, all the difficulties I experienced during my early years of BJJ training to the countless hours spent developing myself and our gym so that it would be something special to the students inside, to being so broke when I first started coaching full time that I couldn’t afford my own place and I either couch surfed or on plenty of nights those red mats became my bed.
I keep memories like these in my back pocket so I don’t forget them.
They give me contrast and remind me of how lucky I am and keep me grounded so I don’t ever think I’m too good to answer a simple question. Because I remember I struggled with those same questions.
Even when we get through this mess (which we will get through this). Keep these experiences in your back pocket. Remember them. So that when life returns to it’s comfortable norm you don’t fall back asleep and take everything for granted.
Instead stay awake for your life, remember that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed and that safety and security is an illusion. Be grateful and appreciate the beautiful moments you experience and the amazing people you meet because they won’t be there forever. They may not be there tomorrow.
Appreciate the hell out of them and that everyday you have a chance to enjoy existence.
Hope you guys are well out there. Stay strong, take care of your neighbors and take a moment to appreciate something small in your life today.
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