I received a question that really resonates with me. Which is how to balance BJJ training with a relationship.
And in particular, how do you balance a new relationship when you’re trying to train hard.
Like in the case of the person asking the question. How do you balance a new relationship with BJJ training leading into a competition.
This is something I struggled with a lot as a younger guy. In fact I believe I ruined every relationship from the start by now maintaining my schedule and boundaries.
When I would date women I would often struggle to find any balance with a new relationship with training.
This was because I would often slack on my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training during the newness phase of the relationship.
Eventually when I went back to my normal BJJ training schedule. A lot of friction was created with the woman.
And this was understandable to some degree. Because I didn’t really give them a good idea of who I was initially.
In relationships I’m not good with balance. So the way I approach things is simply to do what I want. And then try and find someone who is ok with that.
My girlfriend now, is incredibly supportive and helpful with my training. And I’ve been lucky to have her. And I believe her relationship with me has directly benefitted my life.
And one tip I leave in there is that it may be beneficial to include your significant other into activities at the gym. This way they don’t feel alienated or separated from the gym.
If you’re having trouble balancing a relationship with your BJJ training. I hope this video is helpful!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.