I recently posted on the Chewjitsu Facebook and Instagram about random questions people had. Fun, silly, personal, etc. They could be related to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu or not.
There were literally hundreds of questions so I might make a few videos off of them.
I chose some that were interesting, useful or just questions that I had funny stories to share from my BJJ and MMA career. My favorite story in this video is probably about my stinkiest moment in MMA.
Here are the BJJ / MMA / Personal questions that were chosen . . .
– Did you ever NOT bath to get the upper hand on your opponent for competitions?
– Any best advice?
– Should Jiu-jitsu be in the olympics?
– Pre Match Ritual
– What do you do when you’re not motivated to train?
– Why do you practice Brazilian Jiu-jitsu ? (Short and Sweet)
– You look leaner, did your performance suffer during weight loss?
– Most Memorable Moment in BJJ ?
– Do you think you can defeat Master Ken using Ameri-Do-Te techniques in a street fight ?
– Do I whisper into people’s ear when I roll with training partners?
Hope you enjoyed hearing some of the stories and seeing the questions people asked.
Again, not the usual Brazilian Jiujitsu advice or tips. But they’re fun none the less.
– Chewy
Free Ebook: http://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-jitsu-13-page-ebook/
My BJJ Video Course: http://www.chewjitsu.net/products
T shirts: http://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/
Tweets by chewjitsuIntro/Outtro Music : http://www.thesoundproviders.com/#/
If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.