We took a road trip to Gracie Cincinnati to train with Justin Christopher and he was nice enough to share his go to knee on belly escape.
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We took a road trip to Gracie Cincinnati to train with Justin Christopher and he was nice enough to share his go to knee on belly escape.
Nesta série de 03 vídeos você confere algumas dicas de como fazer transição para guarda fechada, técnicas de Jiu Jitsu que eu aplico muito em minhas lutas. Oss
Nesta série de 03 vídeos você confere algumas dicas de como fazer transição para guarda fechada, técnicas de Jiu Jitsu que eu aplico muito em minhas lutas. Oss
Nesta série de 03 vídeos você confere algumas dicas de como fazer transição para guarda fechada, técnicas de Jiu Jitsu que eu aplico muito em minhas lutas. Oss
Claudio Calasans, Campeão Mundial de Jiu Jitsu pela Federação Internacional de Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fala como faz para ter mais foco em seus treinamentos, deixando os compromissos do dia a dia para a hora certa e subindo um degrau por vez em seus treinos.
Este foi o seminário que ministrei a convite do Sensei Ivan Ribeiro na ADC CTA, foi um grande aprendizado para todos e em especial para mim que sempre aprendo com alunos e outros atletas. Oss.
This week we look at the heel hook submission, a very effective and dangerous foot lock. Dr. Michael Cantrell explains why it is so dangerous and how the positioning can change the damage caused.
Dr. Michael Cantrell is a Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgeon in Huntsville, AL.
10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Decatur Alabama
113 6th Ave NE
Decatur AL 35601
O faixa-preta André Ushirobira ensina uma passagem de guarda sem kimono para você surpreender nos treinos de Jiu-Jitsu. Aprenda com nosso GMI 4 ou 5 detalhes fundamentais para surpreender os guardeiros.
BJJ World Champion Brandon ‘Wolverine’ Mullins teaches an escape to get you out of the turtle position. More info about this instructional BJJ mobile app here: http://www.grapplearts.com/advanced-bjj-fundamentals-app-for-iphone-android-and-kindle/
Download on iTunes for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch:
Download on Google Play for Android phones and tablets:
Download on Amazon for Kindle devices:
Or get this BJJ instructional in DVD format here:
“How to use the building blocks of Jiu-Jitsu to build an advanced game…”
FACT: Over 80% of jiu-jitsu techniques are useless when strikes are added to the fight. In this detailed slice from the Gracie Academy Street Defense Mastery Seminar, Rener demonstrates some critical components of the Punch Block Series to illustrate the huge differences between “street fight distances” and “sport grappling distances.” To own the principle and learn the most important distance management concepts from the remaining seven positions in a fight, make your way to a Gracie Super Seminar as soon as possible!
Australia Super Seminars with Rener Gracie
Sydney, Australia – November 8 (Four Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Melbourne, Australia – November 14 (Four MORE Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Ryron Gracie Super Seminars
Ft. Collins, Coloroda – November 7
Santa Cruz, California – November 20
Pre-register for all Super Seminars at http://www.GracieAcademy.com/Seminars
http://www.GracieUniversity.com – Find a Certified Training Center near you, or learn Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from anywhere in the world! Registration is free and the first three lessons are unlocked for your instant viewing!
McGregor faces off against Game of Thrones’ [6ft9 400lb] Gregor Clegane aka ‘The Mountain’ in a bare knuckle fight to the death. The bigger they are; the harder they fall. For more exclusive video visit TheMacLife.com.
There are two types of people, cross choke masters and cross choke amateurs. In this installment of the “Seminar Series,” Rener Gracie breaks down a critical variation of the Cross Choke Mastery Seminar that, if perfected, will qualify you for #teamcrosschoke! To learn the remaining 7 pieces of the Cross Choke Mastery equation, get to a Gracie Super Seminar near you!
Australia Super Seminars with Rener Gracie
Sydney, Australia – November 8 (Four Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Melbourne, Australia – November 14 (Four MORE Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Ryron Gracie Super Seminars
Ft. Collins, Coloroda – November 7
Santa Cruz, California – November 20
Pre-register for all Super Seminars at http://www.GracieAcademy.com/Seminars
http://www.GracieUniversity.com – Find a Certified Training Center near you, or learn Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from anywhere in the world! Registration is free and the first three lessons are unlocked for your instant viewing!
In the second installment of the “Seminar Series,” Rener breaks down the Triple Threat Attack System from the back mount. This clip alone will revolutionize everything you thought you knew from the back! To learn the remaining 7 pieces of the Triple Threat puzzle, get to a Gracie Super Seminar near you!
Australia Super Seminars with Rener Gracie
Sydney, Australia – November 8 (Four Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Melbourne, Australia – November 14 (Four MORE Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Ryron Gracie Super Seminars
Ft. Collins, Coloroda – November 7
Santa Cruz, California – November 20
Pre-register for all Super Seminars at http://www.GracieAcademy.com/Seminars
http://www.GracieUniversity.com – Find a Certified Training Center near you, or learn Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from anywhere in the world! Registration is free and the first three lessons are unlocked for your instant viewing!
In the second installment of the “Seminar Series,” Rener breaks down the Triple Threat Attack System from the back mount. This clip alone will revolutionize everything you thought you knew from the back! To learn the remaining 7 pieces of the Triple Threat puzzle, get to a Gracie Super Seminar near you!
Australia Super Seminars with Rener Gracie
Sydney, Australia – November 8 (Four Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Melbourne, Australia – November 14 (Four MORE Mastery Seminars in One Day!)
Ryron Gracie Super Seminars
Ft. Collins, Coloroda – November 7
Santa Cruz, California – November 20
Pre-register for all Super Seminars at http://www.GracieAcademy.com/Seminars
http://www.GracieUniversity.com – Find a Certified Training Center near you, or learn Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from anywhere in the world! Registration is free and the first three lessons are unlocked for your instant viewing!