This sweep has been a mainstay for my BJJ Half Guard game when pitted against people using the overhook to fight against my underhook when I’m in Half Guard.
Often people who wrestled or have done MMA will use the over hook to counter a low Half Guard position
In this video I show a super easy, but super effective, Brazilian Jiujitsu Half Guard sweep that works great at combating the overhook.
In the video I show what I call a “Re Grip” which essentially means I’m gripping off of my opponent’s grip. Then from there I use my legs in the Half Guard to shift my hips under the person and execute the sweep. Keep in mind that this sweep is not a roll but rather a digging under the person with your hips.
I’ve been able to do this sweep with very large people and was still able to execute the Half Guard sweep.
I hope this video is helpful to you with your Brazilian Jiujitsu Half Guard game, especially if you run into this problem.
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