Today we’ve got a question from a BJJ Blue Belt, named Tye, who recently pissed off his Brown Belt training partner.
He’s a young guy & the Brown Belt was someone who essentially took him under his wing. Well, the other day they were rolling, and Tye caught the Brown belt in the Guillotine.
The Brown Belt does not tap, Tye makes multiple adjustments, and at some point, 4 or so minutes in, after the Brown Belt escaped, he bashed the Blue Belt for the rest of the round.
After they got done rolling the Brown Belt was obviously pissed.
Tye sends the message asking what he should have done in this situation.
In this video, I’ll give you a specific tip to prevent this from happening again. I’ll also discuss the higher belts perspective and what he could have done.
Hopefully, you found the answer useful Tye, and for anyone else out there who has had this situation happen to them, I hope this helps you too.
Thanks for watching.
– Chewy
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