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june 2019 blue belt world champion december 2019 purple belt nogi world champion
video: @flograppling
master 3 brown belt world champion in his first competition. great work Fred, the whole team is proud of you and all the work you put into this goal, well deserved black belt.
master 3 faixa marrom campeao mundial no seu primeiro campeonato. parabens Fred, o time todo esta orgulhoso de voce e de todo trabalho duro que voce encarou para este objetivo, parabens pela faixa preta também.
Cole and Riryu drilling some techniques after morning class today at @artofjiujitsu
@hiryuniwa is 18 years old brown belt japanese and he and his brother @reonniwa just moved to CA to train at AOJ. Hiryu won Pan Ams this year at rooster weight purple belt adult. I met them when they were orange belts at axis jiu jitsu in japan and I am happy to have them in the team.
technique 1. waiter sweep to leg drag
technique 2. leg drag to armbar
technique 3. long step + top spin + back attack
technique 4. guard pull interception to armbar
technique 5. leg weave to the back
technique 6. stacking pass to leg drag + duck under
the only submission in the -76kg division. @johnatha got his black belt 5 months ago after winning worlds in the brown belt. 20 years old. amazing display of your amazing back attack skills.
in this video @tainandalpra is using one of my favorite passes and applying details that I teach in my classes
1. the grip on the opponents collar is the distance control for the person passing the guard and should help you to maintain a closer distance when its achieved
2. the free hand (the one not controlling the collar) and elbow are blocking the hips and closing the escape to make it difficult for the opponent to utilize the knee shield or step on the hip
3. the knees pinching the opponents leg and making it difficult to adjust the reverse delariva hook
4. hips higher than the head when committed to apply pressure to pass the guard, the weight goes from the hips to the shoulders and head making it very heavy for the opponent to push
neste vídeo, @tainandalpra está usando uma das minhas passagens favoritas e aplicando detalhes que eu ensino nas minhas aulas
1. a pegada na gola do oponente é o controle de distância da pessoa que esta passando e deve ajudá-lo a manter uma distância mais próxima quando alcançada
2. a mão livre (a que não controla a gola) e o cotovelo estão bloqueando os quadris e fechando o espaço para dificultar o oponente de usar o joelho ou pisar no quadril para defender a guarda
3. joelhos prensando a perna do oponente e dificultando o ajuste do gancho da delariva reversa
4. quadris mais altos que a cabeça, quando decidimos aplicar pressão para passar a guarda, o peso vai dos quadris aos ombros e à cabeça, tornando-o muito pesado para o oponente empurrar
video: @flograppling
congratulations to my student @johnatha on his win tonight at @worldjiujitsufestival – passed the guard and submitted his opponent with a lapel choke
parabens ao meu aluno @johnatha pela vitoria hoje no @worldjiujitsufestival – passou e pegou seu adversário com estrangulamento de lapela