Create an off balance, find your angle, then execute! ?? #doubleunderhooks || ?: @simhotep
The Best Jiu-Jitsu Search Engine in the World
JUDO CHOP! @jayjay_mma with the inner thigh throw (uchimata) as a defensive attack off of an attempted sweep single leg by @noah_rupp_ . #whizzerkick
Data chunking ??|| Being able to train and execute realistic scenarios (ie. an approach, grip, takedown, transition and submission) all in succession is something I do well and I try to convey to students. This helps to learn why and when the right technique presents itself rather than forcing something that isn’t there. Learn to chain moves together! #huizingaroll #invertedomoplata
#FBF?Takedown > guard pass > side control ?|| Drop ouchigari to splitting the legs guard pass to yoko-shiho-gatame FTW. 2004 Estonian World Cup
It sure doesn’t hurt that the Japanese women’s judo team, which is the best newaza (ground fighting) judo team in the world, cross trains Jiu-Jitsu ????
Juji-gatame flow/retention drill ?? || This drill using a heavy S-mount, and roll over back to the armbar position. Wherever you are in this drill, look for the finish by feeling for a chink in your opponents armor. Give it a try!