Monday movement ?|| @alphacatzingano with the stiff arm post single, inspired by @frankieedgar #WrestleJudoJitsu
The Best Jiu-Jitsu Search Engine in the World
Dynamic drilling – Passive resistance. Slick sweep single with a second shot to the supporting leg to finish ??|| @noah_rupp_ #TheFloFactory
Takedown Tuesday ??|| @brandonthetruthvera getting looooow and showing his agility and athleticism with this inside trip to cartwheel over the guard drill #wrestlejudojitsu
Kick-step, reap, hop, throw ??? JPeezy drilling a slick osotogari/haraigoshi fusion to be utilized against opponents with an opposite sided stance. ?? @jessicapenne @leilanimal
One of the joys in my life is getting after it. Its less frequent that I am able to train at a relatively high level with this dilapidated old dad bod. Thanks @gorilla_hands for the rolls ? You da mang! ?: @heyleonmedia
?: @shoyoroll : @studio540
“What is art? Are we art? Is art art?” ~Lisa Turtle ???
@onnit @studio540 @buddyleejumpropes @jfloproductions #ArtInMotion #SavedByTheBell