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In today’s video I’m going to show you a nasty adjustment on the bread cutter / paper cutter choke. If you watched me Shotgun Armbar series located here:
In that playlist I show a great sequence of armlocks and use the bread cutter / paper cutter choke to add a choking submission threat to the mix of armbar and armlock submissions.
In today’s video I’ll give you 1 finishing detail that makes the paper cutter even nastier.
Hope the detail helps!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Recently on the Chewjitsu Podcast we had Rickson Gracie Black Belt Henry Akins on. You can listen to the podcast in full using the link below.
During the podcast there were several amazing nuggets of information about training practices and techniques. 1 of which is something I do all the time, force my students to do and is something Henry said Rickson would do all the time.
This particular style of rolling is a great way to boost creativity with technique and further develop your own systems of BJJ. And I believe if you roll like the way I explain in the view you’ll improve your BJJ techniques faster as there is focus to your training.
Hopefully after watching the video you’ll understand what I mean and have some ideas for your own training.
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There is a danger to achieving your goals in BJJ or any endeavor you find yourself in. And that’s what we’re going to focus on for today’s video.
The question asker is Nina who says she’s in a situation where she’s accomplished several goals she had and now she’s in a situation where she lacks the same motivation and drive she used to have.
Her question to me is how can she get that drive back in her life and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. So in this video I’ll explain the natural rhythm we all experience as we accomplish our goals and the process around that.
If you’re experiencing a loss of motivation and focus after hitting a big goal I hope this video helps!
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If you’re a newer BJJ White Belt you may have experienced a situation where maybe someone refused to roll with you. And especially in the gym it can feel awkward and seem like a negative thing. This is the situation one of our friends has run into when he’s trained in different martial arts.
He says he’s gone to several different martial arts and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gyms, and he feels like there are cliques that develop and he gets left out. These gyms talk about being a family but it doesn’t seem that way to him.
In this video I explain why your gym may in fact be like a family, in many different aspects and why you don’t always want to interpret someone not rolling with you as a bad thing. Our gut instinct is to take it as a bad thing, but it’s not always the case.
Hope the video helps you if you’re in this situation or at the very least gives you an idea to chew on.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Are private lessons or group classes better for BJJ training? This is the basic question I’ll chat with you about in today’s video.
The question comes from Marc who asked me if I was faced with a scenario where I could only choose 1, either group classes or only private lessons, which one would I choose.
And in the video, I’ll explain my choice and what I think of group classes vs private lessons in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Thanks for watching.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Would you ever date someone in your BJJ gym? This is today’s question from one of our younger viewers. He says in the gym he’s a very confident person and feels at home in that environment. Outside of the gym in places that are normal for meeting people he says he’s a bit on the awkward side. He says his gym has a no dating policy but there are people he’s interested in.
So he’s just curious what the policy at my gym is and what my thoughts on dating in the gym are.
In the video I’ll explain why I can’t have a no dating policy at my gym and my thoughts on making sure the dating in the gym thing doesn’t blow up into a terrible situation if the relationship doesn’t work out.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
A really difficult technique for many new White Belts in BJJ is breaking the closed guard. Many times when they try they get knocked off balance, have their grips disrupted or get swept in the process.
Now I honestly prefer a standing guard break to open the legs in full guard. But for a lot of people early on the lower guard breaks will be easier to use. Kind of like standing guard passes. I tend to find lower, tight, guard passes are easier for newcomers whereas standing guard passes take a bit more time to develop.
In today’s video I’m going to show you some common mistakes to avoid when breaking the guard using the low staggered hand position. This video is mostly for White Belts in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu but I’ll be honest with you. Some of the details I share in this video I didn’t learn until I had been training for many years.
So I hope this helps!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Today’s video comes from a newer BJJ White Belt who discovered Brazilian Jiu-jitsu like many people (at least in my gym). He started listening to Joe Rogan, then Jocko and then somewhere along the line found me.
His main question to me is about discipline. He says he wants to develop more of it but he’s never really been a disciplined person. And so, he’s wondering if I have any tips on discipline.
So, in this video I talk about what I really consider discipline. Because I think it can mean a lot of different things. And it’s not simply being a tough hard ass. As I talk about in the video. Discipline really comes down to 1 thing, at least in my view.
If discipline for BJJ training, and in general, is something you struggle with then I hope the video is useful to you.
Talk to you next time.
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Recently I got asked to do a video showing a “cheeky” submission. Obviously, this request came from one of our British friends who’s a Blue Belt in Jiu-jitsu.
So in today’s BJJ technique video I’ll show you a simple “cheeky” submission that you could use in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training the next time you’re rolling. It’s a super simple armlock that you can hit when you’re inside someone’s full guard.
Now this is 1 technique out of a group that I sort of classify as funny 1 shot techniques. Meaning they’ll probably work 1 time and that’s about it. If you’ve been doing BJJ for long enough. You’ve probably had some situations where someone has caught you in some weird technique and then you never fell for it again.
This is one of those techniques. Nonetheless, happy hunting for the technique the next time you’re rolling with a friend and want to throw mess around a bit.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Today’s video comes from a newer BJJ White Belt who’s wondering if BJJ is worth all the injuries. He says he’s curious because he sees all the “old timers” in his gym and realizes they’ve all had an injury or two.
And as a young guy who’s just getting into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu he’s wondering, is it worth it?
Now while this question is super subjective. I try to give the young guy something to think about regarding the ideas as to whether or not BJJ is worth the toll it can potentially take on the body.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Today’s BJJ technique video is from one of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes where I showed one of my favorite setups and armlocks from Full Guard / Closed Guard.
The focus of the setup is to get the person’s hand on the mat or on the outside of your body which will allow you to snag the arm and get a catch on the shoulder. From there I show a straight armlock and then transition to corkscrew armbar.
And even if you don’t like the techniques shown you can still use the setup for lots of submissions and attacks from full guard.
Hope the video gives you a useful idea to bring into your next training session. And hopefully it helps you secure an extra arm lock or two.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.