Stress is GOOD
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Stress is GOOD
My man McDojoLife joins me! I loved talking to him. He’s an awesome guy and runs one of my favorite Instagram pages! You guys are gonna love him.
Check him out on IG at @McDojoLife
And don’t forget to check out Toe Hold! Shout out to them for making the best flip flops in the game. IG @toe_hold
Be sure to stop by my website and check it out!
This episode of the Chewjitsu podcast is full of all sorts of great nuggest of information related to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
One topic we touch on briefly is the idea of reps and how many you need to drill in order to use a technique in BJJ
We also touch on the idea of proper recovery for BJJ training and how it’s probably simpler than you thought.
I hope you enjoy the episode!
Also, be sure to check us out on Itunes, Spotify and Sitcher!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Neste video eu compartilho com vocês alguns detalhes de guarda partindo da contra-esgrima.
Eu começo explicando como se chega na posição, mostro alguns detalhes dela e ainda compartilho alguns detalhes de finalizações como triangulo, omoplata e estrangulamento.
“Improve your guard with these details (MINI SEMINAR)”
In this video I share with you some details of guarding from the counter-fencing.
I begin by explaining how to get into position, show some details of it and still share some details of finalizations like triangle, shoulder blade and strangulation.
Como vocês sempre reclamam que eu nāo ensino muitas posições aqui no canal, decidi fazer um mini seminario, pra voces !!!
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Heavy – Final
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Heavy – Final
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Medium-Heavy – Final
Closed Guard with Overhook – Punch Choke with Armbar Finish
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Open-Class – Final
Everyone who’s trained BJJ has probably at some point experienced technique overload.
You know what the is right? It’s where you have so many techniques that you don’t even know where to start focusing.
I think this is an especially big issue with White Belts in Brazilian Jiujitsu.
Our friend Sean ran into this overload issue while looking up BJJ techniques.
He said he was looking up De La Riva techniques and there was just so many different techniques and positions that he was just lost.
In this video I talk about the approach of two BJJ White Belts. 1 was myself and the other was a friend of mine who trained with me for several years.
As White Belts in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu we had 2 different approaches. My friend focused on more techniques and had a TON of different techniques.
These two different approaches showed themselves pretty quickly.
When we would roll the two approaches clashed and 1 of us got the better of the rolling.
Watch the video to check it out! 🙂
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Instagram: @toe_hold
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Light-Fether – Final
Recently I got a text message from my friend up in northern Kentucky about chasing medals and setting goals.
In a recent video I eluded to the idea that I think it’s not always the best idea to fixate on goals too much.
He sent me a message telling me that goals are what push him. In fact, he’s at Brown Belt and the fact that he is pushing it to win a medal is causing him to train harder than ever.
This video is a response to that.
Personally I think goals are great. I set them everyday. I have short term goals, long term goals. All that stuff. And they help make my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu better as well as help give direction in my life.
But you cannot fixate on goals too much. Because not matter what you achieve. You’re always going to want more.
You’re going to want to be better. Whether this is BJJ or some other aspect of your life.
So set goals. Both for Brazilian Jiujitsu and your life. But just remember that you’re going to slip and fall from time to time and you’ll have to dust yourself off and get back after it.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Light-Fether – Final