So, today we’ve got a question from a Newly promoted Brown Belt, Evan, who is a hobbyist that finds himself having a case of the “Brown Belt Blues.”
Usually, you hear about the Blue Belt Blues, but today’s situation in a little different, or at least the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt color is.
He says that at his gym he’s at the appropriate belt level. But, when he goes online and starts looking at the people who are competing at the Blue/Purple/Brown Belt competitions, he just doesn’t think he’s at that level.
He obviously finds this disheartening.
Sometimes he finds that he has no idea what these lower belts are even doing when they compete and now, he’s suffering with a bit of imposter syndrome as a result of that.
He asks what I’d do to deal with the doubt of his rank in BJJ.
In this video I’ll give Evan, and you guys, 2 ideas to chew on. 1 idea you guys might not like much, but I’m sure the other will be reassuring for some of you.
Hopefully, if you’re struggling with a similar issue, then you found today’s video helpful.
Thanks for watching.
– Chewy
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