Today’s video comes from a guy, who we will call Bob, that has been training for a little over a year and says he really enjoys BJJ, even stating that it’s really helped him with some mental issues.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu also opened him up to aversity that he wasn’t used to. For example, he found out that he is a quitter. Whenever things start getting tough in the rolls, he just gives up. By the way, these are his words, not mine.
When his coaches initially noticed the issue, they kind of gave him a pep talk. However, over some time they just stopped trying.
His question to me is if I have any advice on how to overcome the mental block that he recently discovered when he trains BJJ, and how he can grow his “fighting spirit.”
So, in this video I’ll answer his questions and tell you guys about how I personally had to develop my own “fighting spirit” and grit through BJJ, and even tell exactly what I had to tell myself DAILY to do it. I’ll also share the rough inner dialogue I sometimes had going on in my head after training sessions.
I hope you guys can find these ideas useful.
– Chewy
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