Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Light-Fether – Final
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Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Light-Fether – Final
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
How do you tell your partner it was a Neck Crank and not a Choke without seeming whiny or upset.
Well technically I believe what we do is actually a strangle. As the definition of strangle is . . .
squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.
But we’ll use choke to keep it simple for this BJJ video.
In this video I got asked how to bring up the somewhat taboo topic of letting your partner know that their choke was in fact a strangle.
A lot of times people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu dislike the neck crank and consider it a dick move. Primarily because it often just hurts and creates injury. Whereas a clean choke actually puts someone to sleep with typically no injury.
But as I talk about in the video. The neck crank is a legit submission. And in gym training it may be a smart idea to tap to them to avoid risk of injury to your neck.
But that said, I think many of us would like to have that clean choke which puts someone to sleep rather than causing them to walk around stiff as a board for a week.
And in that case I believe it’s important for BJJ practitioners to communicate with their training partners. Sometimes during the submissions themselves.
In this video I discuss how to bring up the subject of whether or not it’s a choke or crank without coming across as a sore loser.
Hope the video helps!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
10th Planet Decatur Black Belt Matt Skaff
In this video I show a way to manipulate the foot to escape Knee on Belly.
While it is being shown from Knee on Belly please keep in mind that this relationship works from a lot of different places. I’ve had a good bit of success pulling the foot in between the legs for a long time, primarily when my partner/opponent tries to hide their foot from the outside Single or when I try to grab the ankle. When they try to pivot the foot away it becomes easily accessible.
When attempting this move as it is being shown the hardest part will be grabbing the ankle. Expect to be crossfaced during the transition and focus on getting your belly to the floor rather than turning into them. It will be a battle, but the more elevation you get with your body the more power is in this grip.
In the next video I show a very slick entry into this that makes it much easier, but knowing the mechanics of this movement and the pathway to the hands will make the other set up much easier.
Lindsey tells us what she likes to do for strength and conditioning.
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Middle – Final
Black- Belt/Adult/Male/Light – Final
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Open-Class – Final