I got asked about how to become more creative with BJJ. This question comes from our friend who is doing really well.
Things are moving along in a good way. His techniques are working just fine. But he wants to adapt things to create his own style like he sees others doing.
In this video I’ll talk about a rather uncreative way that creativity comes about in your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu game.
And it starts with the idea that techniques spread like infectious diseases.
For example.
I got thrown this Saturday. And not just with any throw. . .It was a beautiful throw.
It came at the hands of my buddy Dru ( a brown belt) who was in town this weekend.
He’s from south Florida and trained with Cyborg. And the throw he hit me with he learned that from Cyborg. Cyborg taught him this throw both by instruction and hitting him with it during rolling.
Now when he threw me in front of all of my students, did I get mad? Nah I actually laughed told him it was a “pretty” throw and kept rolling.
And then after we got done rolling I had him show me the technique so that I can drill it!
This is how techniques spread. From one person to the next like an infection or disease.
Each infected person making the technique their own.
Now with any disease after it gets cured or treated. It begins to adapt, right?
The same happens in Brazilian Jiujitsu. As you add new techniques to the mix. Your training partners will adapt to stop your moves and submissions. And then you’ll be forced to adapt them to new situations.
This adapting is a point where creativity often comes back in. Not by sheer creativity but from necessity.
I hope you enjoyed the ramble!
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