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How To Do Perfect Guard Retention In BJJ by John Danaher
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Today I have a BJJ back take when someone sits back to honeyhole/saddle position for leg locks. The move is a bit surprising if you haven’t seen it and will definitely grab some attention.
In this video I show a back take I’ve been working on recently. If you’ve watched some of my most recent BJJ rolling videos you’ve seen it used in action.
After getting several requests from people I figured I’d share it with you.
The back take happens from the Saddle / Honeyhole / Sankaku position. Jeez, so many names to symbolize 1 position. Anyway, that’s where the back take starts. It starts with the person sits back to attack your legs.
In the video I give a couple of details on the technique and also show a way that you can put the “training wheels” on. What I mean by this is to make the movement easier to get started. A lot of times I have scaled options of techniques for people to begin with if the regular version is too difficult.
So check out the technique and give it a try! I hope the technique works for you!
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If you’re getting ready for your very 1st BJJ competition I think this video might be useful for you. In the video I share 3 helpful tips you should keep in mind when preparing for your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu tournament or match.
The question comes from our friend Niki who is a powerlifter and is considering doing her 1st BJJ comp.
She was curious if there is anything she needs to know when preparing for the tournament.
In the video I shared 3 ideas that I think would be useful for anyone in Jiujitsu getting ready for a competition.
1. Set your sights on a upcoming competition as early as possible. Know the competition you plan to do and prepare for it. Doing this will give you ample time to get familiar with points, rules, etc.
Because it’s important to remember that BJJ competitions are a game. And during that game it’s wise to remember that it’s not always the person who’s best at BJJ wins. It’s the person who’s best at playing the competition game.
2. Know what you’re going to do at the start of the match. Whether it’s a takedown or a guard pull you need to know what you plan to do when the match starts.
3. Know your weight class and types of weigh ins. I’ve almost gotten into trouble with this over the years where I didn’t pay attention to weight classes.
If you have a competition coming up I hope this is helpful to you!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Black-Belt/Adult/Male/Open-Class – Final
Registration for the Pan NoGi 2019 is now available.
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How intense should your BJJ training be inside the gym when you’re wanting to prepare for a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competition or possibly MMA? This is today’s question.
In this video I touch on the topic of intensity 1st and the idea that you can’t really know the intensity of training until you experience it in person.
When you compete you essentially have a license to fight another person in the agreed upon rules and it’s completely ok. This isn’t true anywhere else in society.
I experienced these conditions in Wrestling tournaments, Brazilian Jiujitsu competitions and MMA fights. And I can tell you that from my personal experience, when you’re competing you’re tapped into an intensity that just isn’t present in normal conditions.
At the very least it’s hard to do.
From there I briefly talk about how you might prepare for a competition using a mixture of intense and lighter training to allow the body to recover.
I hope you enjoy the video!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Black-belt/Adult/Male/Open-Class – Quarterfinal