In today’s BJJ Q&A video I answer a question from a competitive BJJ Blue Belt who says that he is enjoying the variety that Brazilian Jiu-jitsu offers, but he says that with all this variety he is struggling to determine his best techniques and finding the balance between experimenting with new techniques and sharpening the old ones. He’s hit with dread information overload!
When you watch the video you’ll hear me talk about some main points.
The 1st one being that as a White Belt your job is to survive and do what you can. During this phase of BJJ training your options are much more limited. But as you progress you get a new found freedom almost like a teenager when they get their first car. At this point you can explore and do all sorts of things you couldn’t before.
At this point it becomes like a prospector from older times who would sift through dirt and sand to find gold.
So as you progress in BJJ you expand your techniques and sift through what works to find the best techniques for you.
I hope this video and the ideas I share in it are useful to you and your ability to develop your BJJ game.
Thanks for watching.
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