Today we’ve got a question from Taylor.
He’s a young guy, who has been doing BJJ for 3 years, and he’s focused on Jiu-Jitsu competitions.
His goal is to be a high-level competitor in the future.
He wants to know how to bridge the gap between himself and the people with more experience than himself.
So, I understand where he’s coming from because this used to freak me out too.
When I started doing MMA & Jiu-Jitsu, I was faced with a lot of opponents who had extensive martial arts, wrestling, or jiu-jitsu backgrounds that I couldn’t even compare too.
All the way into Black Belt I competed against guys who have had years and years more experience than me. I even once competed with a guy who had his black belt longer than I had been training.
In the video, I’ll talk about the actual degree of time that matters when training, the difference between hobbyist and hard training, and how the quality of your training is more important than the quantity when training as a competitor.
If you’ve ever felt like Taylor, then hopefully you found this video helpful.
Thanks for watching.
– Chewy
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