CASE STUDY – AC sprain during jiu jitsu
While training jiu jitsu, my training partner @hapdiesel, was swept and landed directly on his shoulder. This mechanism of injury may result in a acromioclavicular joint sprain/separation.
Common symptoms are :
1️⃣pain with overhead movement.
2️⃣pain with the arm hanging at rest.
3️⃣shoulder compression/lying on the affect shoulder.
4️⃣Small bump/protrusion.
Management strategy: ⭕️Protect – You have to keep the area protected during the initial phase of tissue healing. One strategy is taping the joint to assist with static stability while the ligament is compromised. .
The open packed position for the AC joint is the arm hanging at the side. This means the joint is more mobile and puts unnecessary strain on the remaining structures. Using a sling to unweight the shoulder helps.
Luckily for my training partner I was on the mat when the injury happened so I was able to quickly diagnose the injury. Next rehab phase is optimal loading.