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Answering a question from Tom on my community page. He was running into difficulty finishing the ezekiel choke when people tuck their chin. So in this video, you will learn how I deal with a few common problems in that situation.
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São Paulo International Open IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2023 (Mat#9)-Nov 18th
Fights from the 2023 São Paulo International Open IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu Championship located at the Ginásio Poliesportivo José Correa
Av. Guilherme Perereca Guglielmo, 1000, Centro
SP – 06401-146
Order of fights located
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What’s up guys,
So recently, I posted a video about drilling in BJJ and some popular opinions on it from guys like John Danaher.
And in the wake of sharing my opinion, as this often happens on the internet, many people misunderstood the point of the video.
The misunderstanding being that “X” other form of training in Jiu-Jitsu is not as good as Drilling.
But that’s not what the video is about.
The focus of the video was an emphasis on focused drilling vs. passive/mindless drilling in training. So, in a order to clarify (as much as I possibly can in 7 minutes) we will go a little deeper into my ideal form of training, as it relates to drilling, and other things in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Hopefully you find the ideas in this video helpful & if you needed some clarification, then this did it for you.
– Chewy
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This match featuring Ella Copley and Alexis Edwards is from Enyo Grappling 1 on August 20th, 2022.
Enyo Grappling 5 is the next event by the promotion and it’s scheduled for November 18th, 2023. Click here to watch the event:
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
This video I needed to fix a mistake that I made on the last video of a technique from Rener Gracie. Check out the details and you are sure to find something useful! Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment below. More videos to come! Please like, share, and subscribe!!
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Cole Abate vs Dudu Granzotto did not disappoint.
Today’s question comes from FitJiuJitsuSydney, they sent me a message about drilling, they ask:
“What do you think about John Danaher’s opinion, saying that more reps don’t always mean better technique?”
Often times we hear about these quick fixes to BJJ, the 3-year black belts, the “Get good fast” instructionals, etc. And often, this undermines the importance of focused drilling and try’s selling some idea that’s easy & tends to lack any sort of nuance.
In the video I’ll discuss my thoughts on John Danaher’s idea and how I try to apply it to my own training, and how I try to apply it to the training of my students.
Specifically, I’ll dive into the issue with drilling where most people just “go through the motions” instead of having focused, intentional, drilling sessions.
I’ll also discuss some ideas related to the growth of high-level athletes in other sports, this idea coming from a book I had once read, and how these ideas can apply to your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique and developing that “feel” with intentional drilling.
Now, while I think this focused drilling is great, I also talk about some of the downsides with this type of training, especially for day-to-day grapplers & how adding play to these focus training sessions can be beneficial too.
Hopefully you found the ideas in this video helpful.
– Chewy
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
This video I share a technique I learned from Rener Gracie from my experience after visiting Gracie University in Torrance, CA. Check out the details and you are sure to find something useful! Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment below. More videos to come! Please like, share, and subscribe!!
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The NextLevelGuy Podcast with Coach Brian Peterson has been released!!
Check it out!
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What’s up guys!
So, in today’s BJJ technique video I’m going show you how a concept to hide your Arm Bars when you’re grappling. We will play on this idea that most competent Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners have great initial responses to attacks.
Whether that be an armbar, or some random Bearded guy rolling up behind them at the local Whole Foods and throwing up a Rear Naked Choke, most people in BJJ will defend almost immediately just off muscle memory.
During your training you develop this sensitivity to submissions, and the grips needed to set them up, and you will usually react to the first threat attempted.
So, the question is, how do we successfully implement our armbars in BJJ when most people have the ability to stop our first move in most Jiu-Jitsu situations? How do we execute a technique if the person already knows your setup?
Well, in this video we’re going to explore some ideas on how to set up BJJ armbars with a little more stealth, that way you can actually secure your submissions!
Hopefully you guys enjoy the video!
– Chewy
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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