10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Brandon Mccaghren demonstrates a Single Leg takedown to Outside Heel Hook #shorts
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10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Brandon Mccaghren demonstrates a Single Leg takedown to Outside Heel Hook #shorts
My assistant, Erkan Mete, and I are doing a Complete Jiu-Jitsu Course including all aspects of the Art – Standing Self-Defense, Clinchwork, Takedowns, Striking and Groundwork.
We are posting a lesson each day (Monday through Friday) – completely free.
I’m posting one video here but all the content will be on my school’s YouTube Channel.
So, please support us and go to our channel – Gracie Schwarzwald – and Like and Subscribe to get this content and please let other people interested in Complete Gracie Jiu-Jitsu know.
This side control choke has been around for a long time, and it can be considered a variation of the Von Flue choke. What makes it great, though, is that you can go for it without much risk of losing position.
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W E B S I T E S:
🌐 Kenneth Brown BJJ: https://www.kennethbrownbjj.com
🌐 2nd Gear BJJ: https://www.2ndgearbjj.com
🌐 BJJ Canvas: https://www.bjjcanvas.com
C O N T A C T: 📧 kenneth@kennethbrownbjj.com
#BJJ #SideControl #Chokes
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Bmac is back with some CRUCIAL details to help your rubber guard game. “Not flexible enough”? Probably not true!
The dreaded Buggy Choke from bottom side control has been on the rise lately, and it’s starting to make its way into some of the most prestigious BJJ tournaments. Kade Ruotolo just finished his opponent with a Buggy Choke last weekend at the WNO tournament.
As it gets more and more popular, there’s a high likelihood of you being in the receiving end of this technique in the near future, so there’s no better time than now to start practicing some defenses against it.
Don’t be another victim of the Buggy Choke, learn how to defend against it today!
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BJJ Courses: https://www.mmaleech.com/best-bjj-instructionals-for-beginners/
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Free BJJ Mini-Courses: https://www.mmaleech.com/free-stuff/
“I want to get better in BJJ.” I get a messages like this from new White Belts all the time. But when I ask people what they mean by “better” they typically don’t have a rock solid answer. So in this video I wanted to give someone who’s newer to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu some ideas to focus on in order to get better.
The most important part is know what you’re focusing on. Most of the time when people say better they don’t define what they actually mean. So that’s probably the most important part. If you’re going to strive to get better you need to know what you mean.
But if you’re a newer White Belt I hope the video is useful.
Free Ebook: http://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-jitsu-13-page-ebook/
Video Courses and Products: http://www.chewjitsu.net/products
T shirts: http://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/
Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com
If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
On the newest episode of Daisy Fresh Andrew Wiltse gives us a a tour of his crib (box) and talks about his experiences with mental health.
Daisy Fresh Ep. 2 Season 2: https://flosports.link/2UeiuCD
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How to go from closed guard to X guard and from there directly into 3 different attacks! From the newly released Closed Guard System, available at https://www.grapplearts.com/closedguard
To see this FULL Seminar, make sure you JOIN the YouTube Membership for my channel. Simply hit the JOIN button underneath this video and choose your membership level. NOTE: You must be on Desktop to JOIN the channel. The button does not appear on Mobile for some reason. Hopefully Youtube can get this corrected soon.
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http://brandonmc.ninja for my entire archive
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