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The Hidden Collar BJJ Guillotine by Vinicius "Draculino"
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Today’s BJJ Q&A video is a little different as it comes from the question of a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gym owner who has a student leaving under less than optimal terms. In this video his question is about accepting a student back.
In this video I share a story that started when I was a Brown Belt and ended when I was a Black Belt. It was where I had a friend and a high ranking belt leave the gym to open up another gym.
It happened under less than desirable terms and so I had to tell the student he couldn’t train. Sometime later the BJJ gym he had started closed down and I share how I invited him back.
Every situation is different but I believe people make mistakes and I won’t choose to hold it against anyone if they are willing to move past them.
And as I’ll also talk about in this video. If you’re a gym owner and you have other people in the area talking trash about you. Use that negative energy that’s put towards you to drive you in being a better coach to your students.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
The Dummy Sweep in BJJ is a great sweeping option that also goes great as a setup to Leg Lock positions. I believe the 1st time I saw this technique was from a video of Marcelo Garcia. After seeing the sweep I’ve used it as a part of my Open Guard ever since.
The reason they call it the Dummy Sweep because you’ll feel like such a dummy if someone hits you with the sweep.
Whether you’re a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu White Belt or Black Belt. If you don’t use this technique, or haven’t used it much, I think it can be really helpful.
Most recently one of my White Belts in class, Darien, has been using the Dummy Sweep a bunch. And I can say that I use the Dummy Sweep a lot as a standalone sweep or to setup other Open Guards positions.
So thanks for watching! I hope this technique is useful to you and your Brazilian Jiujitsu training.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In this video I explain what the Side Control (aka Side Mount, 100 Kilos, or Cross Body) position is in BJJ, the simplest way to do it right, and 18 different variations you can use to adapt to your opponent’s movements and set up different attacks. Download my free PDF guide to BJJ called ‘A Roadmap for BJJ’ for free at and/or grab my free app for Android and Apple devices with a video breakdown of the basic positional strategy of Brazilian JIu-Jitsu at
Good luck with your training,
Stephan Kesting
Technique or strength? Which one is more important? This is a big debate that goes on in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu where people will tout technique as KING and that strength doesn’t matter. Where others, like myself, encourage the development of strength and athleticism in the body to improve their BJJ.
In this video I talk about the myth or misconception that is spread through Brazilian Jiu-jitsu that strength doesn’t matter. I do my best to dispel what I believe are hindering ideas.
This comes as a question from our friend Matthew who isn’t training yet. And while I do answer the question I try to use it as an opportunity to encourage all of you to keep your body healthy and strong. Don’t ignore your physical being for technique training only.
If you’re body is weak, broken or in bad shape. All the Brazilian Jiujitsu training isn’t going to be helpful.
Hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
How to prevent and defend the Torreando guard pass by BJJ black belt Thomas Lisboa. The Torreando is probably the most common guard pass in which your opponent controls your lower legs at the feet or knees with his hands and then steers your legs one way while passing to the other side. This pass was originally done with a tossing motion, but nowadays (and especially in the gi) most people typically retain control of the knees and use a steering wheel motion to push your legs out of the way while they either drop their shoulder onto your belly or come around to knee mount. In this video you’ll learn 3 counters to this pass that will work both with and without the gi.
Today’s technique question comes from Jesse who wants a high percentage Honeyhole Entry for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. In this video I show an entry from Half Guard. Now Honeyhole goes by other names like sankaku, saddle, etc. It’s a great position for setting up heel hooks, kneebars, straight ankles, slicers and all sorts of leg locks.
Even before I started playing much with leg locks in BJJ I liked the position. It has a ton of submission options from it and does a good job of protecting your legs against their attacks.
For instance with a position like 50/50 in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Both people have the ability to attack with a submission. With the honeyhole position it’s much more difficult. It’s not to say that there aren’t things you can do. But it’ just more difficult.
In this video I show my favorite and one of the more high percentage entries I started using early on. The best part about this technique is that it works off of someone doing the right thing inside of half guard.
So thanks again for the quesiton Jesse! Hope the video is useful. And if you’re looking for an entry into the position I hope this gets your brain thinking.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Today’s question comes from out friend who is a Purple Belt in BJJ and he said he is overwhelmed with the amount of options he has available to him. He’s also worried about the fact that because Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is evolving so fast. If he picks a technique or position to focus on it will become obsolete.
In this video I share a few ideas. The 1st being that this is a real problem for higher belts. In the beginning when we are White Belts in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. There’s just so much that things can be overwhelming because we are so inexperienced and can’t use any of it.
But as we progress and improve to the point of Purple Belt, or even Brown and Black Belt in some cases, we are then faced with a new problem.
Brazilian Jiu jitsu is still overwhelming but not because our skill isn’t good. But instead, because are so fundamentally strong we have endless options available to us! We literally can use all of it! And that’s the focus of todays’ question.
I answer this question some helpful ideas that I hope will help you if you’re in a similar situation.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.