Have you ever wanted to make a shift to getting in shape and being a healthier person? Maybe just hit a big goal? We all have right? Well, this is is the basic question Gareth asked for the channel. He wanted to know when I made the shift to being a healthier person.
When he asked this question I really had to think a bit. But it started back in high school wrestling. And in this video I identify the multiple stages of how I lost weight, and got in better shape. This process that I illustrate in the video is also the same one I use for pretty much everything I’ve ever accomplished (that I’m proud of) in my life.
Keep in mind this is my way of doing thing. It may work for you, it may not. But give it a try and see it you find it useful.
Hopefully it’s useful to Gareth and anyone else.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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