Today’s question comes from John who recently had an annoying, but far too common, situation happen to him at a BJJ Tournament.
Sadly, what happen to John will, at some point or another, happen to every Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competitor. I know it’s happened to me plenty of times. And if you’re not ready for the situation it can definitely throw you off and potentially ruin your performance. As was the case with John,
He said he did ok at the competition, but he felt like all the changes threw his game off and he wonders if I’ve ever experienced something like this, and If so, how do I deal with it?
So, in the video I explain an important idea for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competitions to keep your mindset in the right place and how to deal with unforeseen situations that happen at competitions.
Have you ever been in a similar situation to John? Let me know in the comments below.
– Chewy
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