In preparation for this years BJJ Suit Rolling, I took my annual trip to the local goodwill to look for ridiculous get up.
If you’re not familiar with suit rolling go check out my older video which is absolutely ridiculous.
This is a ridiculous tradition myself and my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu team have. It’s fun and we have a great time. Most people probably look at it and think, “why on earth?” and honestly, it’s hard to give anyone a clear answer.
That said, we have a great time, it’s all in good humor and for us, that’s all that matters.
So I know this is not my normal Brazilian Jiujitsu style video. But I hope you have a good time watching the funny things that took place in the goodwill as well as the upcoming suit rolling video.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.