Do you struggle finishing Kimura’s against Big Strong People? This is the BJJ technique question for today.
In the question our friend says when he is training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu he is able to secure the Kimura grip (double wrist lock) against his training partners. But once he does, he is unable to finish it.
The strong person just powers out of the shoulder lock.
In this video I show some details about the Kimura that I think would be helpful from top or bottom position. It’s a mistake a lot of my newer grapplers make when performing many armlocks and submissions in BJJ.
Before we continue, understand that if you’re like 100lbs and your partner is 300lbs. The Kimura is probably not going to be your “go-to” submission. It’s just not the best idea for someone that much bigger than you.
But you can still Kimura a larger person. I’ve been able to finish it against some very large guys. Sometimes 60-100lbs heavier than me.
One reason for my ability to finish the lock is the detail of using the whole body I show in this video.
I hope the video is helpful with your ability to finish the Kimura submission in Brazilian Jiujitsu. Whether you’re rolling or in a BJJ competition or tournament.
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