Today’s BJJ Q&A video is a little different as it comes from the question of a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gym owner who has a student leaving under less than optimal terms. In this video his question is about accepting a student back.
In this video I share a story that started when I was a Brown Belt and ended when I was a Black Belt. It was where I had a friend and a high ranking belt leave the gym to open up another gym.
It happened under less than desirable terms and so I had to tell the student he couldn’t train. Sometime later the BJJ gym he had started closed down and I share how I invited him back.
Every situation is different but I believe people make mistakes and I won’t choose to hold it against anyone if they are willing to move past them.
And as I’ll also talk about in this video. If you’re a gym owner and you have other people in the area talking trash about you. Use that negative energy that’s put towards you to drive you in being a better coach to your students.
Thanks for watching the video.
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