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Learn Everything About The "Buzzsaw Passing" – The New Concept Of BJJ Guard Passing by Andrew Wiltse
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Are HIIT workouts good for building cardio for BJJ? That’s the basic question from out friend from Germany (who I will call Karl for the video). Karl is a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and wanting to build his cardio and is wanting to know if HIIT workouts are useful for doing this.
In this video I give my answer to this question based on my experience. But I will add a caveat to everything I say in the video. What I tell you in the video is my experience and opinion. Use it and put it together with your own experience. Because we are all different.
Getting back to the video. I share why I’m not the biggest fan of HIIT workouts during my normal flow of training and the only time I’ll actually add them in.
Oh and at the end I take you for a quick tour of the weight training area in my gym.
Hope the video is useful for you and your rolling.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
During this no gi rolling session the big thing that came out at me was that my students are getting wise to the techniques I’ve been working on to take the back and get to back mount. In several of the rolls during that day my students stopped my back take and armbars I’ve been working on which forced me to do other stuff.
During the video you’ll see me go for my rolling back takes and other Chewy favorites only to be blocked. I’m both happy about this and now having to go back to the drawing board to figure out new ways to setup the techniques or whether or not I should give them up for a bit.
Either way, I hope you enjoyed the video and found something useful for your own training.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Today’s BJJ video is a useful strategy that will put you a step ahead of your opponents. You can implement this for pretty much any position in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu because it’s not specific to a technique. Instead it’s specific to a situation. That situation is whenever a change of position happens.
For example a sweep where a person comes up on top, a guard pass, a takedown, etc.
And during these situations there’s a point where you’ve sometimes lost the battle. You’re losing the back, you’re getting swept, and so on. And it’s at this point where you can continue to fight a losing battle for the position or you can get ready for what’s next.
In the video I show 2 examples of setting up escapes once I feel I’ve lost the position and how I use Butterfly Guard to counter people.
Again, these ideas aren’t specific to just what we did here. They’re ideas that are useable anytime a position changes. So take some time to think about how the strategy could apply to your BJJ game when you roll or compete.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Want a little secret to winning more BJJ competitions, hitting more techniques and being smoother on the mats during your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training? It might even help you the next time you’re on a date. . .
The tip? Don’t be needy.
This comes from a conversation I had with a Purple Belt competitor at a tournament recently who wants to be more aggressive since he says he’s more of a slow-starter.
Neediness causes you to get in your way before you even get things going. It creates hesitation and doesn’t allow you to open up.
In the video I’ll share the paralell of how I used to go into my Brazilian Jiujitsu competitions and dates in a similar fashion and how my mindset negatively affected both.
I also go on to share some specific training ideas on drilling that could be useful to you with your Jiu-jitsu game.
Also, if you’d like to get the free ebooks I talked about in the video then click the link below:
Thanks for watching, hope the video is useful!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
With the endless number of BJJ technique videos out there. How useful are they for your live training when you get to the gym? This is the question from Amir who wants to know how valuable videos are for his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.
In this video I give some ideas to consider both from my experience as a coach teaching students and even from my experience as a student who used videos to improve (this one is a story about me as a BJJ White Belt watching videos to hit a slick armbar in training.)
All of this is to explain that BJJ videos (technique or otherwise) can help increase your overall BJJ IQ and help you learn inside your gym faster. Another idea I picked up from a great courses lecture is about how watching videos and even doing mental reps could help you do real physical reps better later on.
Anyways, hopefully the information in the video will give you some useful ideas to chew on for your own Brazilian Jiujitsu training.
Thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In today’s BJJ technique video I share an idea on passing flexible people with the double under pass. The question comes from Rob who is struggling to finish the pass during his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.
I give two different options for using the double under pass (sometimes called the double stack pass) on flexible guard players who are able to bend backwards without much issue. The pass starts off in the most basic way that many of you have probably learned and practiced since you were a White Belt.
The 1st one is an option I used successfully recently in competition. The 2nd option is one that changes the pressure up higher on the shoulders and the neck which negates the flexible muscles in their back and hips.
If you’re trying to use this pass in BJJ then I hope it’s helpful to you.
Here’s a more detailed video of how to do the back take I show in the video:
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
BJJ Question from Adolfo. Here’s what he asks. . .
Chewy, sometimes online I hear Black Belts suggest, “Train with intention” what exactly does that mean to you? I’m never really clear what that means.
When you hear a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Black Belt say train with intention it’s very simple. It just means stepping onto the mat with a purpose or focused on something.
Oh and for the record, 9 out 10 Black Belts will probably agree that it’s a damn good suggestion. The 1 that doesn’t is probably McDojo. Now the intention could mean a ton of different things. . .
Your intention could be to hit the new technique you’ve been working on or to avoid getting smashed from a position you struggle with. Your intention could be to not get frustrated while your stuck in an uncomfortable spot during a roll.
Heck, it could even be to make sure you roll with the tough guy that you avoid during rolling because you’re scared of losing.
Just depends on what you’re focused on at the time.
For me, when I roll with a focus on a specific technique, my intention always starts with grips. I ask myself, “what do I need to make this technique work?” and I work for those specific grips.
And whether I’m competing or rolling I’m hyper focused on getting the grips I need. Because if I get the grips, I get the techniques. That’s the way it works.
I mean, when you breakdown BJJ to a granular level, it’s all about the grips and body positioning. Every technique begins with grab this and this. It’s the reason a person that controls grips wins the roll or match.
This is why I put together a course all about grip fighting. #1 to give you specific techniques to break and dominate grips. But just as importantly to get you to adopt the mindset of a grip fighter.
A grip fighter is someone who doesn’t accept someone’s grips and fights for their own. Just this mindset can give you a skill boost to any position.
And if you’d like to give your grip fighting skillz a boost then grab onto the link below and check out my Get a Grip course.
To wrap this one up to.
Set an intention for your next training session. And if you can’t train BJJ right now then set an intention on your next lift, run or whatever you’re doing to stay in shape.
Talk to you next time.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.