Today’s Q&A question comes from our friend who is a Gracie Jiu-jitsu Brown Belt who recently had to move to a new area which doesn’t have a Gracie Jiu-jitsu gym. He said he started training at one of the local Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gyms and training is fine. That said, he says he wants to receive his Black Belt from his previous coach.
Now he’s curious as to my experience with a situation like this is where you have a new gym, new instructor but want a belt from your old coach.
In the video I talk about my ideas on the situation based upon experiences I’ve had as a coach with students who were still being promoted under other coaches and also with my own students who moved away and wanted to belted with me.
I also give some basic advice on how I would encourage our friend to proceed with the situation.
Hopefully if you’re in a similar situation this video is helpful.
Thanks for watching!
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