Are HIIT workouts good for building cardio for BJJ? That’s the basic question from out friend from Germany (who I will call Karl for the video). Karl is a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and wanting to build his cardio and is wanting to know if HIIT workouts are useful for doing this.
In this video I give my answer to this question based on my experience. But I will add a caveat to everything I say in the video. What I tell you in the video is my experience and opinion. Use it and put it together with your own experience. Because we are all different.
Getting back to the video. I share why I’m not the biggest fan of HIIT workouts during my normal flow of training and the only time I’ll actually add them in.
Oh and at the end I take you for a quick tour of the weight training area in my gym.
Hope the video is useful for you and your rolling.
Thanks for watching.
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