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Recently I had 2018 IBJJF World Champ Mahamed Aly out to our gym to train and do some videos.
In this video Mahamed shows a series of slick submission options when you’re having trouble finishing the Armbar from top position.
These submission options not only give you the ability to finish the roll or match. But they also allow you to have greater control and make your opponent super uncomfortable.
The slicer he put me in was awful! And the collar choke he used was no nicer! both of the submissions were brutal!
I like this video because it’s several simple BJJ techniques from a common position.
I think everyone who has done Brazilian Jiujitsu at some point has struggled to finish an Armbar.
And make sure to stick around for the end as Mahamed and I share a few thoughts about training and developing a deeper more complex Brazilian Jiu-jitsu game.
Hope you enjoy the video!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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