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Hey guys! Welcome back to yet another BJJ World interview! Sat with one of the hardest working people in Jiu Jitsu, Mercedes White. Mercedes is a mother, owner of Bullpen Submission series & Luta Elite MMA, & an avid competitor, just to check a few boxes. Check out our interview where we talk about how Bullpen Submission series is changing the game for athletes & much more!
Follow her on Instagram– https://www.instagram.com/mercedes10ptucson/
Bullpen Submission Series— https://www.instagram.com/bullpensubmissionseries/
Instagram: https:/www.instagram.com/BJJWorldTV/
Official BJJ World Merch— https://teespring.com/stores/bjj-world-store
Music By Julian Avila- https://soundcloud.com/julian_avila/tracks
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