Would you like a couple of extra submissions from the Turtle position? Cool, well that’s what I break down in this BJJ technique video. In the video I show 2 chokes that can be done from the Turtle position in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
This question comes from our friend Pauline who trains BJJ up in Canada and is wanting to get a couple of extra attacks from the position.
In this video I show two of my favorite “go to” chokes from Turtle. The 1st is a basic rear naked choke style submission.
I’ll do this one anytime I see or feel the chin raise up away from the chest.
If the chin doesn’t raise up much then I move to the other submission option which is a Guillotine Choke. This submission can be used for the submission itself or it will cause the person to roll away to avoid it.
Check out the submissions and I hope they help you out! Thanks again to Pauline for the question.
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