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In today’s video I’ll show you 5 BJJ side control positions and how I hold them and use them to setup other techniques. I think this will be helpful to anyone from White Belt to the advanced ranks. You’ll see that I prefer some positions for pinning while others work better for setting up submissions or transitioning to other positions.
In the video I show. . .
– Head and hip
– Head and arm control
– Kesa Gatame
– Reverse side control (without arm)
– Reverse side control (with arm)
These are certainly not all of the side control positions you can use in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu but they do make of several of the most fundamental you’ll need. And in all honesty. These make up about 90% of the side control style positions I use as a Black Belt in both competitions and hard rolling.
So if you’re looking for some help with your side control then I hope the positions in this video are helpful to you.
Hope this video is helpful to you.
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In today’s BJJ Q&A question from Amy she says that feels like she learns more from my instructional videos than she does from her actual BJJ coaches. She has a 2nd part of her question which is about how to talk to her coach about questions she has. So in this video I cover both topics.
First I talk about how instructional videos are great and you can learn a lot from them (and why this is true) but I also talk about why a coach is necessary and how her Brazilian Jiujitsu coach made it possible to learn from the vidoes.
In the 2nd part of the question I talk about the role of coaches as problem solvers and some good ways to approach a BJJ coach with the right kind of questions to ask.
If you’re in a similar situation I hope this video helps!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Why don’t we see more BJJ world champions coming over to fight in MMA? This is today’s question for a Chewy ramble. Now this isn’t a specific technique question but it’s interesting and I figured I’d share my opinion.
Now keep in mind there are plenty of high level Brazilian Jiu-jitsu fighters making their way into Mixed Martial Arts. But for reasons I share in the video, I think you may (I say may because I don’t have hard data) have fewer getting into MMA these days. It’s probably the same reason why fewer boxers and kickboxers get into MMA.
Primarily I think people have other options for using their skills to make a living.
Back in the day BJJ was a much smaller sport with little money in it. So if you spent 10+ years developing this fighting skill you pretty much had to fight in order to make a living. These days you can make a decent living doing BJJ if you have the right skills.
I know from my experiences the reasons I share in the video were true to me.
Hopefully you found the video interesting. Thanks for watching. I’ll talk to you next time.
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Charlotte’s Web CBD. Head over to and use the promo code Chewjitsu to get 15% off of your total purchase.
If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In a recent episode of the Chewjitsu Podcast. 10th Planet Black Belt Brandon Mccaghren, Chewy, and Eugene discuss finishing submissions, training breaking mechanics as well as twisting joint locks and the importance of having trust in your training partners in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
Full podcast out now on all podcast platforms.
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Charlotte’s Web CBD. Head over to and use the promo code Chewjitsu to get 15% off of your total purchase.
Epic Roll BJJ. Check out and use the promo code Chewjitsu to get 15% off of your total purchase.
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Hope you enjoyed the podcast clip.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In today’s video I got a question from a young White Belt about whether or not he should up and leave their gym, move away from their hometown to train Jiu-jitsu with John Danaher or Andre Galvao or a similar big name team in order to be an elite level BJJ competitor.
To help out, I share a story from a recent Chewjitsu podcast episode we did with multiple time World Champion (and elite level BJJ competitor) Bernardo Faria where he talked about his start in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Early on he was training in a small town without any famous Black Belts and then eventually won the Purple Belt World Championships. Following that he moved to Alliance and began training with a big name gym.
But it was during the time at the smaller gym that he really developed that love and passion for Brazilian Jiujitsu and training. So in today’s video I share that idea with our young friend.
To develop the passion for BJJ training 1st and consider maybe moving later on should he decide it’s right. But as I talk about in the video. I’d advise against it early on because the look of success can be deceptive. Many people think they want it, but don’t realize what really entails.
Hope you enjoyed the video, thanks for watching.
If you’d like to listen to the Chewjitsu Podcast check out the link:
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In this video I give some tips on becoming more comfortable in the bottom of a tight mount position in BJJ. This video is a response to someone who sent in a question asking for techniques to escape mount. But I don’t cover techniques because he said he tends to panic and become uncomfortable with the position. In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu I believe it’s very difficult to survive and escape any of the dominant position if you aren’t able to get some level of comfort.
Now I’m saying you’re going to like being in the position or anything like that, but you do have to be able to relax enough to think and setup a proper defense in bad spots. This is true for any position in Brazilian Jiujitsu but I think it’s especially important in positions where you’re at a disadvantage and the smallest mistake could lead to getting submitted.
So if you’re having trouble panicking in the bottom of mount then I hope this idea of learning to get comfortable with the uncomfortable is useful to you.
Thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.