BJJ Basics: Collar Drag to Backtake.
Tag: brazilian Jiujitsu
Proven BJJ Competition Strategy against a Strong Wrestler
How do you deal with the Takedown aspect of a Wrestler who’s in a Grappling competition? Or what do you do when someone’s better at take downs?
As a Wrestler who got into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I can tell you that I used to put a lot of focus on takedowns.
When I would go to a BJJ competition. I would do everything I could in order to get on top of the person.
Oftentimes if someone pulled me into Guard it kind of sucked the wind out of my sails. I wouldn’t have the points for getting the takedown and it took away my forward momentum.
In this video I respond to a question from Cassie who has a son, Ryan, who is competing in local superfight matches.
His matches have been going well but she’s now noticing that the area gyms are offering more wrestling in their BJJ training. And their gym does not offer it.
The question from them is how do you approach a situation in a competition when your opponent has superior takedowns.
Chad and I both show options as to how we deal with this situation in BJJ tournaments or competitions.
The main idea is to converse your energy on the feet and save it for once you get to the ground. In my case I use a Guard Pull into Half Guard for the sweep.
But I’ll save the details and let you see them in the video. 🙂
Hope the video is useful!
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A Handful of Techniques Made me Effective as a BJJ White Belt
Everyone who’s trained BJJ has probably at some point experienced technique overload.
You know what the is right? It’s where you have so many techniques that you don’t even know where to start focusing.
I think this is an especially big issue with White Belts in Brazilian Jiujitsu.
Our friend Sean ran into this overload issue while looking up BJJ techniques.
He said he was looking up De La Riva techniques and there was just so many different techniques and positions that he was just lost.
In this video I talk about the approach of two BJJ White Belts. 1 was myself and the other was a friend of mine who trained with me for several years.
As White Belts in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu we had 2 different approaches. My friend focused on more techniques and had a TON of different techniques.
These two different approaches showed themselves pretty quickly.
When we would roll the two approaches clashed and 1 of us got the better of the rolling.
Watch the video to check it out! 🙂
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
My Black Belt Opinion on Neck Cranks during BJJ Training
How do you tell your partner it was a Neck Crank and not a Choke without seeming whiny or upset.
Well technically I believe what we do is actually a strangle. As the definition of strangle is . . .
squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.
But we’ll use choke to keep it simple for this BJJ video. 🙂
In this video I got asked how to bring up the somewhat taboo topic of letting your partner know that their choke was in fact a strangle.
A lot of times people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu dislike the neck crank and consider it a dick move. Primarily because it often just hurts and creates injury. Whereas a clean choke actually puts someone to sleep with typically no injury.
But as I talk about in the video. The neck crank is a legit submission. And in gym training it may be a smart idea to tap to them to avoid risk of injury to your neck.
But that said, I think many of us would like to have that clean choke which puts someone to sleep rather than causing them to walk around stiff as a board for a week.
And in that case I believe it’s important for BJJ practitioners to communicate with their training partners. Sometimes during the submissions themselves.
In this video I discuss how to bring up the subject of whether or not it’s a choke or crank without coming across as a sore loser.
Hope the video helps!
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Legit Full Guard Option that Actually Works for Short Legs in BJJ
Having short legs and trying to play with Full Guard attacks can be tough. But there are some options that work really well for this body type.
I recently got a question from the Chewjitsu YouTube community page about playing a High Full Guard position with short legs.
The person asking the question is struggling playing off their back in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu because of their short legs.
I can relate! Because while I’m not short. I don’t have long legs. My torso is a bit longer and my legs are a little shorter.
So in this video I share a position I call Diamond Guard with our friend as an option.
This position was super useful in my own Brazilian Jiujitsu training and it’s been helpful to many of my students. Short legs and long legs alike.
It kind of gives you a check point. So that if you don’t have super long legs or quick hips. You can still be offensive and attack with submissions and sweeps from your full guard in bjj.
I hope this video is helpful, thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Almost Poop Myself During a Match & Irritating BJJ Submissions (Win a Patch)
If you’re interested in snagging one of the White or Black Chewjitsu gis, be sure to sign up for my Newsletter. By signing up you’ll get a Free BJJ ebook / videos and I’ll also make sure I send you an email as soon as the gis go up for order!
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In this video I answer some of the questions left on the YouTube community page.
As always, with a random question video. We will be giving away some free patches.
Whoever makes a funny or memorable comment will be entered to win a patch. I’ll give away 3-4 of them.
Here is a list of the topics we touch on in this random question video.
– How to deal with training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu as a 40 year old guy.
– Has my diet ever cost me a match or a roll?
– Good lifting program for BJJ
– Training BJJ with significant other
– What’s more important in Jiujitsu, speed or strength?
– Best submission inside Full Guard.
– My favorite submission.
– Should I make concessions in my life to train Brazilian Jiujitsu.
– Am I a Dragonball Fan
– Dieting to lose 5lbs
– Most obnoxious submission
– Do I meditate meditate?
– Pre BJJ competitions rituals
Big thanks to everyone who left a question on the community tab! I hope you enjoyed the video!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
The Toughest “Fighter” I have Ever Seen – Paul Moran
The Toughest “Fighter” I have Ever Seen – Paul Moran
Download Bernardo Faria’s FREE Ebook
“Your Guide To A Lifetime Of Enjoying & Improving Your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” Click In The Link Below:
“Bernardo Faria is a 5x World Champion. Bernardo started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Juiz de Fora – MG, Brazil at the age of 14 in 2001. After receiving the Black Belt from his first instructor Ricardo Marques in 2008, He moved to Sao Paulo to join BJJ legend Fabio Gurgel and his Alliance team. After many years of training and winning many major titles, Bernardo moved to NYC in 2013 to train and teach at Marcelo Garcia Academy. In 2015 Bernardo achieved his dream of winning the IBJJF World Championship Open class title and his division, doing the double Gold and becoming the 1st in the IBJJF Ranking and also choosed as the best athlete of 2015.
Bernardo Faria has now taken on the mission to share some of the lessons, techniques, experiences and more that he has learned along in his 16 years and counting as a BJJ student, teacher and world class competitor.
Subscribe to his channel, and join him in this amazing BJJ Journey. We promise that you will also improve your BJJ with his awesome Video Lessons, Episodes of his “5 Minutes BJJ Talk” and more…”
Tweets by BernardoFariaJJ
Pass Deep Half Guard and Quarter Mount with 1 Technique
Quarter Mount and Deep Half Guard can be tough positions to deal with in BJJ. In this video I share 1 simple Leg Over technique to pass them.
In Quarter Mount, sometimes call Quarter Guard. Often times the only thing stoping you is their grip on your ankle. And in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu it can be tough to pry that foot out due to the strength of people’s thighs.
So the 1st option with this technique is against this.
In the second use for this technique. I show how to get to it from Deep Half Guard.
Deep Half Guard is another position to pass. Especially when someone gets under your hips.
By using the same Leg Over technique, it gives you another Guard passing option.
So if you’re struggling to pass the Deep Half or the Quarter Mount position in Brazilian Jiujitsu.
I hope this technique is useful!
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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Demonstration – San Clemente 2018
Guillobel Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Demonstration at San Clemente Ocean Festival 2018.
Head and Arm Choke from Body Hug
In this video I show a medium-low percentage counter when someone is hugging you on bottom.
It is important to note that good people do not typically hug from that bottom position, however, inexperienced and/or strong opponents may do this as an attempt to slow down the movement or delay a transition into the far arm being isolated and/or attacked.
With that being said, it is important that we have a series of techniques that teach people how to deal with inexperienced resistance. This is the 3rd of 4 techniques that worked throughout the week and it can work well in a lot of different attacking sequences.
The last technique in the sequence is a transition to mount (not filmed) and is not difficult to do. The transition towards North/South will open up the space by the hips to make an easy transition into mount and can be figured out fairly easily.
as a side note, the highest priority should be given to maintaining top position, especially against someone that is going to try and hug you from the bottom like this. Throughout all of these transitions you should be looking for ways to base so that you don’t get rolled over the far side.
Lets Build a Wall. . . Together (Future Chewy Ramble Q&A Videos)
If you’d like to contribute to “The Wall” please comment below, send a message to my via Youtube direct message or social media.
Or you can send a message directly to my email at:
I really enjoy doing the videos with you all! And the channel continues to grow I’d like to continue to push the envelope and do cooler and potentially better videos. This is simply a part of that process.
It’s been crazy growing with you guys over the last couple of years. Many of you I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at BJJ tournaments or rolling sessions. And It’s been a blast.
And because this is a partnership between you and I.
I’d love to include you in on it. So let me know your thoughts!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
BJJ Giftwrap Escape So Easy You’ll Palm Your Face
The Gift Wrap or Perfect Mount as I’ve heard it called is a terrible position in BJJ! Well. . . terrible for the person on bottom.
I always assumed that the reason it was dubbed “Gift Wrap” was because the person is literally wrapped up lift a gift for you.
And when you decide to unwrap this gift in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu it’s with a submission.
Now, it’s a tough position for sure. And your best bet is to not get stuck there in the 1st place.
But if it happens. In this video I share a simple technique that you can use to pry yourself out of the Gift Wrap from Mount so that you can continue working and rolling.
It’s not an easy escape and there are submission counters. But it works.
I also show how you can use this same technique principle when you are working from Half Guard and you’re getting crossed faced.
So if you’re having either of these issues. I hope this video is useful for you!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Foot Sweep BJJ Takedown by The Founder Of Fight To Win – Seth Daniels
Foot Sweep Takedown by The Founder Of Fight To Win – Seth Daniels
Download Bernardo Faria’s FREE Ebook
“Your Guide To A Lifetime Of Enjoying & Improving Your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” Click In The Link Below:
“Bernardo Faria is a 5x World Champion. Bernardo started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Juiz de Fora – MG, Brazil at the age of 14 in 2001. After receiving the Black Belt from his first instructor Ricardo Marques in 2008, He moved to Sao Paulo to join BJJ legend Fabio Gurgel and his Alliance team. After many years of training and winning many major titles, Bernardo moved to NYC in 2013 to train and teach at Marcelo Garcia Academy. In 2015 Bernardo achieved his dream of winning the IBJJF World Championship Open class title and his division, doing the double Gold and becoming the 1st in the IBJJF Ranking and also choosed as the best athlete of 2015.
Bernardo Faria has now taken on the mission to share some of the lessons, techniques, experiences and more that he has learned along in his 16 years and counting as a BJJ student, teacher and world class competitor.
Subscribe to his channel, and join him in this amazing BJJ Journey. We promise that you will also improve your BJJ with his awesome Video Lessons, Episodes of his “5 Minutes BJJ Talk” and more…”
Tweets by BernardoFariaJJ
BJJ Made My Lifts Weaker (Balancing BJJ and Powerlifting)
It can be hard to balance weight training and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I know that for me, I struggled with it at a point in my life where I was getting bigger and stronger and was chasing numbers in the weight room.
But then struggled with my BJJ training because I was too big and beat up for sufficient rolling and work on the mats.
And in this video I talk about this in the hopes to assist our friend Peter who is a Powerlifter getting into Brazilian Jiujitsu.
He says that since training Jiujitsu he’s noticed that his lifts have dropped in their overall poundage.
And his question is two fold. . .
1. How to Balance BJJ training with his Powerlifting?
2. Should he readjust his expectations for training?
I also touch on the current program I follow for lifting in order to support my BJJ training.
If you’re someone who’s really big into lifting who’s also pursuing BJJ. I hope this video is useful for you and your training on the mat and in the weight room.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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