Have you ever not received credit for something when you felt like you should have? Perhaps you helped someone but then never received any recognition.
That’s what’s going on in today’s Brazilian Jiu-jitsu video.
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Our friend Jay who is a 4 stripe Blue Belt has taken upon himself to help out one of the White Belts in his gym with a Baseball Choke technique he’s developed.
And it worked! The BJJ White Belt took the technique and has been able to hit it several times in tournaments and in training. So much so, that this White Belt has become synonymous with this choke.
The only problem is that he has never given Jay any credit for the help.
Jay knows that he shouldn’t feel upset about this. But he says he’s found that it frustrates him.
In this video I draw some parallels to how I felt as a young Brazilian Jiujitsu coach and Jay’s situation.
And I talk about not giving people help in any situation on a conditional basis if you’re really trying to help them.
I also discuss how to turn this negative situation on the mats into a positive by channeling the negative energy into a positive by teaching more people.
But the biggest idea I try to share in this video is that if you take on the role of a teacher or coach in Brazilian Jiujitsu. You need to take joy out of teaching someone. Not getting recognition for it. Finding joy in someone else’s success.
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